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北京时间10月2日晚,瑞典皇家学院宣布,南非作家约翰-马克斯维尔-库切( J. M. Coetzee)荣获2003年度诺贝尔文学奖,库切将赢得1000万瑞典克朗(约合130万美元)的巨额奖金。


  1974 "Dusk lands"

  1977 "In the Heart of the Country"

  1980 "Waiting for the Barbarians"

  1983 "Life and Times of Michael K"

  1986 "Foe"

  1988 "White Writing: on the Culture of Letters in South Africa"

  1990 "Age of Iron"

  1992 "Doubling the Point: Essays and Interviews"

  1994 "The Master of Petersburg"

  1996 "Giving Offense : Essays on Censorship"

  1997 "Boyhood: Scenes from Provincial Life"

  1997 "What is Realism?"

  1999 "Disgrace"

  1999 "The Lives of Animals"

  2001 "The Humanities in Africa"

  2001 "Stranger Shores - Essays 1986-1999"

  2002 "Youth"

  2003 "Elizabeth Costello: Eight Lessons"(大卫)


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