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伯纳德·麦道夫  ·基本信息
  姓 名:伯纳德·麦道夫(Bernard Madoff)
  性 别:男
  Madoff was born in New York to a Jewish family.He is married to Ruth Madoff and has two sons, Mark and Andrew.Madoff has several homes in New York State. Two of them are on Long Island in Roslyn and Montauk respectively and the third one, his primary residence on Manhattan's Upper East Side, is valued at more than $5 million. He also owns homes in Palm Beach, Florida and in France.
  Bernard Lawrence Madoff (born April 29, 1938) is a former American fund manager and business owner who started the Wall Street firm Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC. He was chairman of that firm, which he founded in 1960, until December 11, 2008, when he was arrested and charged with securities fraud.
  伯纳德·劳伦斯·麦道夫(生于1938年4月29日)是前美国基金经理人与企业所有者,在华尔街创建了Bernard L. Madoff投资证券有限责任公司。他曾担任该公司主席,公司于1960年成立,直到08年12月11日,当他被捕并被控证券欺诈。
  Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities, which is in the process of being liquidated, was one of the top market maker businesses on Wall Street and also encompassed an investment management and advisory division, which is now the focus of the fraud investigation.
  现在正在被清算的Bernard L. Madoff投资证券,是华尔街有名的处理证券上市的公司之一,也包括投资管理和咨询部分,这也是现在欺诈调查的重点。
  On December 11, 2008, Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested Madoff on a tip from his sons, Andrew and Mark, and charged him with securities fraud. On the day prior to his arrest, Madoff told his senior executives that the management and advisory segment of the business was "basically, a giant Ponzi scheme."Five days after his arrest, Madoff's assets and those of his firm were frozen and a receiver was appointed to handle the case.Madoff's fraud is alleged to involve up to $50 billion in cash and securities and to have taken place over a period of decades.To date, it is the largest investor fraud ever attributed to a single individual.Banks from Spain, France, Switzerland, Italy, Holland and other countries have announced that they have potentially lost billions in U.S. dollars from the Madoff scandal.
  2008年12月11日,联邦调查局根据Madoff两个儿子Andrew和Mark的线索逮捕了Madoff,并指控他犯有证券欺诈行为。在逮捕他的前一天, Madoff告诉他的高级执行官们公司的的管理和咨询部门的业务“基本上是一个巨大的庞兹骗局 ”。逮捕他的五天后, Madoff的个人以及公司的资产被冻结并指定了一个接管者来处理这个案件.Madoff的欺诈指控涉及高达500亿美元的现金和证券,这个欺诈过程长达数十年。迄今为止,这是归咎于个体的最大的投资欺诈事件。许多西班牙,法国,瑞士,意大利,荷兰和其他国家的银行都已宣布,他们因麦道夫丑闻损失可达到数十亿美元。
  Before his arrest, Madoff was a prominent businessman and philanthropist.As a result, the freeze of his and his firm's assets significantly affected businesses around the world, as well as a number of charities,one of which – the Lappin Foundation – had to close as a conseque

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