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传奇女性奧普拉·温弗里(Oprah Winfrey)

Oprah Gail Winfrey (born January 29, 1954) is an American television presenter, media mogul and philanthropist. Her internationally-syndicated talk show, The Oprah Winfrey Show, has earned her multiple Emmy Awards and is the highest-rated talk show in the history of television. She is also an influential book critic, an Academy Award nominated actress, and a magazine publisher. She has been ranked the richest African American of the 20th century, the most philanthropic African American of all time, and was once the world's only black billionaire. She is also, according to some assessments, the most influential woman in the world.

Born in rural Mississippi to a poor teenage single mother and later raised in an inner city Milwaukee neighborhood, Winfrey was raped at age 9 and at 14-years-old gave birth to a son, who died in infancy. Sent to live with the man she calls her father, a barber in Tennessee, Winfrey landed a job in radio while still in high school and began co-anchoring the local evening news at the age of 19. Her emotional ad-lib delivery eventually got her transferred to the daytime talk show arena, and after boosting a third-rated local Chicago talk show to first place, she launched her own production company and became internationally syndicated.

Credited with creating a more intimate confessional form of media communication, she is thought to have popularized and revolutionized the tabloid talk show genre pioneered by Phil Donahue, which a Yale study claimed broke 20th century taboos and allowed LGBT people to enter the mainstream. By the mid 1990s she had reinvented her show with a focus on literature, self-improvement, and spirituality. Though criticized for unleashing confession culture and promoting controversial self-help fads, she is generally admired for overcoming adversity to become a benefactor to others. In 2006 she became an early supporter of Barack Obama and one analysis estimates she delivered over a million votes in the close 2008 Democratic primary race, an achievement for which the governor of Illinois considered offering her a seat in the U.S. senate.


奧普拉·温弗里(英语:Oprah Winfrey 1954年1月29日-),生于密西西比州科修斯科,美国企业家和电视节目主持人。毕业于田纳西州立大学(Tennessee State University)公演艺术及语音通讯学双学士学位。2007年获得霍华德大学荣誉博士学位。

温芙瑞19岁开始其广播生涯。她是纳什维尔(Nashville)WTVF-TV最年轻的新闻主播和第一个非裔女主播。其后转到巴尔的摩(Baltimore)WJZ-TV成为"六点钟"(新闻)的主播之一。然后又被招募至理查德·舍尔(Richard Sher)麾下成为WJZ的地方脱口秀节目人们在说(People Are Talking)的主持人之一。

1985年温芙瑞移居芝加哥取代别人成为WLS-TV的一个低收视率的半小时的晨间脱口秀AM芝加哥(AM Chicago)的主持人. 节目在温芙瑞的主持下在不到一年的时间里就取得了很大的成功,并重新命名为奥普拉·温芙瑞秀(The Oprah Winfrey Show),并扩充时长为一小时在全国首播。最初节目遵循传统脱口秀形式。在1990年代中期,形式变得更加严肃,选题更加偏重温芙瑞认为对女人至为重要并产生重要结果的问题。温芙瑞也开始做了大量的慈善工作,她的节目对一些饱受贫穷折磨的人和意外事件的受害者做了特写。

温芙瑞通常对媒体公开讨论她生活的各方面,包括一些不那么愉快的事情,例如受到性骚扰的童年及因而导致的毒品问题。1990年,她同母异父的妹妹Patricia Lee-Lloyd透露温芙瑞曾于14岁怀孕并产下一个死婴。温芙瑞的体重波动使她成了减肥的精神领袖。在1990年代末,温芙瑞把她的书友会介绍到了电视上,不管她推荐什么,那本书立刻成为畅销书,这已经成为她的影响力的明证。

在1996年4月16日与霍华德·莱曼(Howard Lyman)讨论疯牛病的节目中, 温芙瑞喊

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