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WEI, Jiafu

Member of the Board of Directors, Boao Forum for Asia

President & CEO, COSCO Group




Capt. Wei Jiafu received his Master's degree from Dalian Maritime University and a Doctoral degree in Marine Architectural Design from Tianjin University. He had been Managing Director of the Sino-Tanzania Joint Shipping Co., President of COSCO Holdings (Singapore) Pte Ltd., Managing Director of Tianjin Ocean Shipping Co., and Managing Director of COSCO Bulk Carrier Co., Ltd. He was appointed President & CEO of COSCO Group in November of 1998. Capt. Wei was elected into the 16th CPC Central Committee for Discipline Inspection in 2002. The other titles of Capt. Wei include: Chairman of China Shipowners' Association, Chairman of China Federation of Industrial Economics (CFIE), Chairman of China Shipowners Mutual Assurance Association, Advisor of Harvard Business School and Advisor of Panama Canal Authority. Capt. Wei received a Hall of Fame Award from Lloyd's Maritime Asia in Dec 2003. Other awards he received include: the Port Pilot Award from the Port of Long Beach, the Valuable Manager of the Year Award from China’s leading business media, the Maritime Excellence Award from Panamanian government, and the Commander in Order of Leopold II decoration from King Albert II of Belgium. In December, 2005, Capt. Wei was awarded as 2005 CCTV People of the Year of China’s Economy, and was ranked as a leader in the global shipping and logistics industry by the US Journal of Commerce’s 2005 Leadership Roll.

魏家福为大连海事大学硕士、天津大学博士。历任中国-坦桑尼亚联合海运公司总经理、中远控股(新加坡)有限公司总裁、天津远洋运输公司总经理、中远散货运输有限公司总经理等职。1998年11月就任中国远洋运输集团总裁。 2002年11月,当选为中共中央纪律检查委员会委员。国内外主要社会任职有:中国船东协会会长,中国工业经济联合会主席团成员, 中国船东互保协会董事长, 美国哈佛商学院亚太地区顾问,巴拿马运河局顾问等。曾获得由《劳氏日报》和《亚洲海运》联合颁发的年度“海运名人大奖”,由美国长滩港授予的“港口领航人大奖”,由中国管理界媒体评选的“最具价值经理人奖”,由巴拿马政府颁发的“巴拿马海运卓越大奖”,由比利时国王授予的“莱奥波德二世国王勋章”。2005年12月,魏家福总裁评为“2005CCTV中国年度经济人物”,并被美国《商务周刊》评选为2005年度全球航运和物流业行业领袖人物。



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