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1—5 CBCBC               6—10CBBCA        11—15CBCAC

16.radio        17. 40,000          18.social         19. housewives     20.cheapest




 21—25 BABAC 26—30 DCDAB


31 reported  32 richest/wealthiest   33 by  34 when  35 by 

36 However  37 younger   38 Both  39 acting    40 the  




   41—45 DCDDD     46—50 CCBBA   51—55 ACCBD     


 56—60: DABCF




My Good Classmate

 My good classmate, Li Lin,who is 16 years old , isn’t tall and is always dressed simply . She works so hard and always tries her best to finish her homework by herself that she does well in all the subjects. She is kind to any persons and she is ready to help others. She is good at English and she always helps the classmates who are poor in English with English. She has many hobbies, such as music and sports.




Supposed answer:

 Although human has improved his living standard by altering the features of the earth, which has brought many benefits as well as harms to the environment. As a result, the environmental protection is more pressing than ever before.

 The pollution to the earth are made up of at least seven items, such as paper, plastic, glass, clothes and food waste. Some of them can be reduced by reducing the amount of it or by giving them to some other people who need them. Some of them can be changed to be other things which can be used for another purpose.

 Students in our school can also take some actions to reduce the pollution against the earth. We may try to save some paper by writing on both sides of the paper and write smaller words. We may try to use things to be reused instead of things to be used only once. In order not to increase food waste, we should get our meal according to how much we can have. For clothes which are worn out, we should get them mended and keep wearing them so that we can save our money as well as reduce the resource of waste and pollution.

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