中等学校招生考试(诸城) 英语试题
注重事项: 1 .本试题分第I卷和第II卷两部分。第I 卷为选择题(含听力测试为非选择题,50 分;共120 分。考试时间为120 分钟。
2 .考生答第I 卷前务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目和试卷类型(一律填A ) 涂写在答题卡上。考试结束,试题和答题卡一并收回。 3 .第I 卷中的每小题选出答案后,都必须用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号(ABCD )涂黑;如需改动,必须先用橡皮擦干净,再改涂其它答案。
第I卷选择题(共70 分)
一、听力测试(共20 小题,计20 分) (一)录音中有五组句子,听句子两遍后,从A 、B 、C 三幅图画中选出符合句子内容的图画。

(二)录音中有五组对话和五个问题,听对话和问题两遍后,从A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。 6 . A . Summer . B . Spring . C . Winter . 7 . A , At 2:10 . B . At 2 : 20 . C . At 2 : 30 . 8 . A _ NO . 6 . B. No . 7 . C . No . 8 . 9 . A . He likes sugar and meat very much . B , He seldom exercises . C . He never goes to work on foot , 1O . A , TO have a picnio . B . To have a triP . C . TO help her mother wilh farm work. (三)录音中有一段对话和五个问题,听对话和问题两遍后,从A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出能回答问题的正确答案。 11 . What Lin Hai’s。telephone number ? A . 6128866 . B . 6128826 . C . 6218926 . 12 . Where has Lin Hai gone ? A . To the airport , B . To the school . C . To the station . 13 . How ' s Lin Hai’s uncle coming ? A . By bus . B . By train . C . By plane . 14 . How long will it take Lin Hai to get home after he meets his uncle ? A . 25 minutes . B . 30 minutes . C . 35 minutes . 15 . Who hill visit Lin Hai’school ? A .Lin Hai 'uncle . B . Some Americans . C . The headmaster (四)录音中有一篇短文和五个问题,听短文和问题两遍后,从每小题A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出能回答问题的正确答案。 16 ,Where does Zhang Dawei live ? A , In his school . B . In a village.C , In the east of Zhucheng . 17 . How does he go to school day ? A . on foot . B . By bike , C . By bus . 18 , Which is his favorite subject ? A . Science . B . Maths , C . English . 19 . What does he like to do in his spare time ? A . Play football . B , Play ping pong . C , Play basketball . 20 . Who is the tallest boy in his class ? A . Zhang Dawei . B . Zhang Ming . C . Yao Ming .
二、单项选择(共巧小题,计巧分) 从每小题A 、B、C 、D 中选出能填人空白处的最佳答案。 21 . -----Did they enjoy_____at the concert given by Sun YanZih last night? - Yes , some of _ sang and shouted all the time . A . they ; them B , them ; themselves C . themselves ; they D . themselves ;them 22 . _____his 16th birthay last year , his mother gave him a nice present.
A . By B . In C . on D , At 23 . - I usually go to Hainan by ship. - oh , it takes too much time . why_____go their by air ? A . not B . don 't C . not you D . not to 24 . I can’t hear clearly . Could you___the radio a bit ? A .turn on B .turn up C . turn off D . turn down 25 . I'11 go to Europe___next year for a holiday . A . sometimes . B . some times C . sometime D . some time 26 . The naughty(调皮的)boy is made _______his homework before 9:00 。evry night . A , to finish B . finishes ,C.finish D finishing 27 . By the end of last year , we _ _about 2000 Englioh words . A . were learning B . have Iearnt C . learnt D , had learnt 28 , - Peter knows few people here . A ,So do I B . So am I C . Neither do I D . Neither am I 29 . ______you a great success! - Thank you . A . Hope B . Want C . Wish D . Except 30 . – I see_____ umbrella . Whose is it ? - You mean _ one behind the door ? It's mine , A.a ; the B . an ; the C . a ; an D . an ; a 31 . Jim is not here . Who know_? A . where has he gone B . where he has gone C . where does he go D . where he goes 32 .Because e of the war many lraqi(伊拉克的)people have no houses _ _ . A . live B . living C . live in D . to live in 33 . _ _ the population is growing , _ romm pepole will havc . A . The lager , the less B .lager , less C . The more,the less D. more less
34. Do come and have dinner with us tonight___________? A.shall we B. sill you C. don’t you D.aren’t you 35.----Sorry,Mr. Green.I have ______my homework at home. ------That’s ok.But don’t forget next time. A. forgotten B.put C.left D.kept
三、完形填空(共15小题,计15分) 阅读下面短文,从A、B、C、D中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳答案 Once a king showed two men a large basket in the garden. He told them 36 it with water from a well(井).After they had begun their work he left them,saying,”When the sun is 37 will come and see you work.” 38 one of them said,”What’s the 39 of doing this foolish work? We can 40 fill the basket.” The other man replied,”That is none of our business,”The first man said,”You 41 do as you like,but I am not going to work at 42 so foolish.” He threw down his bucket(桶) 43 .The other man said no word, but kept on carrying water. 44 sunset well was almost empty. As he poured the 45 bucket of water into the basket, he saw a 46 thing in it, He picked it up.It was a beautiful fold ring. 47 the king came. As soon as he saw the ring,he knew he had 48 the king or man he wanted. He told him to 49 the ring for himself . “You have done so well in this one little thing,” he said,”50 now I know I can trust you with many other things.”
36.A.to lesve B. to fill C. to lift D. to pick 37.A.up B. down C.rising D. broken 38.A Ever since B Long before C After a while D.At last 39.A way B importance C use D help 40.A never B surely C easily D always 41.A must B should C will D may 42. A anything B something C nothing D everything 43. A went back B went away C went down D went up 44.A At B In C. By D Before 45.A.second B full C last D fourth 46.A. white B black C bright D dark 47.A.So B But C Yet D Just then 48.A seen B. thought of C found D understood 49.A keep B ask C bring D take 50. A Till B To C From D Since
四、阅读理解(共20小题,计20分) 阅读下列短文,并做每篇后的题目。从A、B、C、D中选 出能回答总是或完成句子的最佳答案
Mark Twain was famous sa a writer,but he was also famous as a pubic speaker and teller of runny stories.He often went rom town to town giving lectures.
One day he was walking along the street of a small town where he was going to give a lecture that evening . He met a young man who said,”Mr.Twain,I’d like to talk to you for a minute ,please.I have an uncle that I’m very fond of.The problem is he never laughs or smiles .Can you do anything?”
“Bring your uncle to my lecture this evening,young man.I guarantee(保证)that he’ll laugh and smile . Don’t worry.”
That evening the young man and his uncle sat in the first row. Mark Twain spoke directly at them. He told some very funny stories,but the old man mever smiled. Then he told the funniest storieshe knew,but the old man’s face remained blank. At last,Mark Twain left the platform very tired.
Later Mark Twain was talking with a friend about this. ”Oh!”said the friend ,”I know that old man . He has been deaf for years.”
51.Mark Twain was a _____________
A.writer and public speaker B.writer and teacher C. actor and public speaker D. actor and writer
52.The young man talked to Mark Twain in the street to ask Mark Twain to______ A.have dinner with his uncle B.visit his uncle that eveing C. make his uncle laugh D.let his uncle sit in the first row
53.Why didn’t the old man smile after Mark Twain told some stories? A.He pretended not to smile B.He was sleepy at that time C. He lost his hearing several years ago. D. The reason is not mentioned.
54 The word “blank” in paragraph 4 means”______” A. without writing B without drawing Cwithout interest D without espression
55.From the passage,we know that____ A The clever younga man played a joke on Mark Twain B Mark Twain’s friend told him a lie C The stories told by Mark Twain in this article were not funny at all. D Mark Twain weren’t really good at giving lectures.
B Around the world , people have diffeont ideas about what good table manners are . In India , for example , people only eat with their right hands . You take food from one dish on the table , usually a kind of bread or rice , mix it with foodf from another dish and then put it in your mouth . Your left hand stays still . Eating with your left hand is very rude ! In western countries ,people don ' t usually share the same dishes . Everyone has his or her Plate of food . You eat with a knife and fork , and you shouldn ' t wave them around when you aren’t eating . And you should try not to be noisy when eating . People think that’s bad table manners! Paying for the meal is also different from countly to county.In China , one Peson usually pays for everyone . In western countries , when freinds eat together , they usually share the cost . This is called " going Dutch " . Also , when westemers pay check , they usually leave some moey for the waiter . This is called " leaving a tip . " Not leaving a tip is very rude , In the U .S. , it‘s common to leave tips of 10 % , 15 % , or 20 % Of the check . The amount depends on how good the waiter is . Good waiter can get a lot of money ! The way peoPle eat food is different 帅around the world , but you Can find the same kinds of food in many countries . Chineoe and Italian food , for example , are popular all over the world . 56 . Not leaviing a tip is OK _· A ' in Germany B . in England C . in France D . in China 57 . Wlhen people in westem countries go to a restaurant , _ . A , one person usually pays for everyone B . the oldest person pays for everything C . the richest person pay for everything D . they usually go Dutch 58 , In London it's good manners for you to _ . A . be noisy while eating B . he quiet while eating C . leave tips of 2% of the check D . wave a knife and fork around a table 59 . It can be learned from the passage that _ , A .there're different table manners in difrrent countries B . there’re almost the same table manners around the world C . you don't need to mind your manners in a foreign countly D . only Americans . eat wilh their right hands 60 . Which of following is NOT true acording to passage? A . The way people eat food 15 different 加m coun 铆to coun 灯· B . A good waiter can get a lot of money in the US . C ,Italian food is the worst in the world . D . Chinese food is famous all over the world .
C Are you ready? Have you decided to learn something inyour summer holidays Welcome to the Teenagers’ Centre and choose your favourite:
Tuesday Time : 8 : 00 一10 : oo Miss Wang Dancing for beginners aged 12-17 . Enoy dancing , enjoy yourseif ! (6week)
Wednesday Time : 18 : 0一20 : 00 Prof. Black Learning spoken English . FUN!! ! (4weeks)
Thursday Time : 8 : 00-9:30 Coach : Mr . Yang Xiaoming Basketbalt Playing basketball lik Jordan ! ( 4 weeks ) |
Friday Time:9 : 30 --11 : 00 Coach : Miss Sun Wei Swimming Club Want to swim as fast as a fish ? ( 8 week , )
Satarday Time : 17 : 00 一18 : 00 Mr .Liu Jun Photography(摄影)面 Learning to take good Pictures ! ( Bring your own camera with you . ) ( 8 weeks )
Sunday Time : 15 : 00 一17:00 Prof . Hua Qing Piano Class Girls only Music changes your world ! ( 6 wecks )
61 . If you want to pratise basketball , you'd better learn from _ . A . Prof . Hua Qing B . Mr . Yang Xiaoming C . Miss Sun Wei D , Miss Wang 62 . If you are interested in learning spoken English ,Prof.Black can teach you _ . A . from 17 :00 to 18 :00 on Saturday B . from 15 : 00 to 17 : 00 on Sunday C . from 18 : 00 to 20 : 00 on Wednesday D , from 8:00 to 10 : 00 on Tuesday 63 , If you have time at weekends and you want to learn a skill in two months ,you’d better choose __________ A . piano class B . photography C , basketball D . swimming 64 ,Which of the following activities is for beginners only ? A . English class . B . Photography . C . Dancing . D , Piano class . 65 . Which of the following statements is true ? A ,Prof . Black gives his class,on English writing . B . Mr.Liu Jun teaches phOtography from7 : 00 to8 :00 C.If you want to learn swimming , there 's, no class in the evening D.Miss sun Wei can teach you to take good pictures from 17:00 to 18:00
D In some countries in western Europe , such as France , Spain and Britain , the countryside is changing . Life has become difficult for many villages , and , some are disappearing . There are a number of reasons for this Firstly , young people from vikkages usually want to live somewhere livelier and they often move to the towns and do not return . Secondly ,people move to the cities to find work ,as there are ofen very few jobs in the countyside . Sometimes villages remain (保留)because people from the cities have bought a " second home " in the village,where they come and stay at weekends . The price Of homes goes up and people from the area cannot afford to buy a house there problem is that it is becoming more and more diffcult for fams to make money from their farms . So they sell their land and find another . All these things mean that many villgaes in Europe are fighting to survive . We can only hope that they will remain . The countyside would be a sadder and uglier Place without them 66 , Young people don’t like to live in the villages 、because____. A . the villages are not beautiful any more B , the villagerrs don ' t like them C . life in the towns are usually cheerful and colorful D . people in the towns are more friendly 67 . City people like to buy houses in the countyside in Order to _ . A . sell them at a higher price B . enjoy their weekends C . force the famer to leave their land D . find good jobs 68 . The underlined word “survive " in the last para gaph means " _ " . A . make a survey B . remain alive C . be successful D , follow others 69 . What’s the writer’s opinion ahout the happening in Westem Eurpe ? A . He feels quite happy . B . He thinks it necessary . C . He feels very sad , D , It means little to him . 70 What ' s the best title for thio passage ? A . Countryside is Changing in Western Europe. B ' Western Europe is Waiting for Your Help . C . Problems in Westem Europe . D . Farmers in Westem Europe
绝密*启用前 试卷类型:A
2005 年潍坊市中等学校招生考试(诸城)英语试题 第II卷非选择题(共50 分) 注重事项: 1.第II卷共4 页,用钢笔或圆珠笔将答案直接写在试卷上。 2.答卷前将密封线内的项目和座号填写清楚。
五、词汇考查(共10 小题.计10 分) 根据句意,完成已给出首字母提示的单词.使句子正确,意义通顺。请将答案写在题后相应题号的横线上。 1。September is the n_________month of the year .
2 . When I was a little child , my e_ sister looked after me like a mother . 3 .I’m so tired that I can h _ walk any more . 4 . TO our s______ , the little boy can lift the large and heavy box with one hand · 5 , If you are in trouble , just call 110 .the p _ will come to help you in time . 6 . What? Lucy has a magic ring ? I can’t b _ it 7 . It‘s easy to get l _ in a big city like Sbanghai , so you need a map . 8 , Suddenly a big wild dog rushed out , The litile girl was too f _ to move . 9 . Thomas Edison had a large number of inventions d _ his life . 10 . The Great Wall,a a great wonder of the world , is the p _ of the Chinese nation . 1 . n___ 2 . e___3 ,h____4 . s_____ 5.p_____ 6 . b____7 , 1___8 , f____9 . d_____ 10 .p___
六、动词应用(计10 分) 阅读下面短文,用文中括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词。请将答案填写在短文后相应题号的横线上。
Onc year ago ,when I was 15 , I thought I 1 ( live ) forever . I had great friends and did well in my studies . One d ay afternoon , we go into Chris ' car and started go to his bouse anel we played volleyball together .While we 2 (wait ) at traffic lights ,we talked freelv . There were no other cars around . When the light turned green ,suddenly a car 3 ( run ) very fast came from nowhere . It ran into our car . I 4 (throw ) out of the car . I saw our car fly into a tree ,and I 5 (think) about Chris .Was he dead? Neither of us wearing seat belt (安全带). I don't know how long I lay there .Later , 1 woke up in a room , “Wow,I’m alive,Where 6 (be) Chris?. I asked. He’s all right . He 7(be) at home for two days . " My mother said with tears on her face .The next d 叮,Chris came 8(see) me .He told he was afraid I was going to die . I told him I was worried about him , too . I'm glad I haven't had to 9 ( face ) the death of a friend . 10 ( love ) you friends and family . Just do it ! 1. _ _ 2 . _ _ 3 _. _4 -____5______ 6.___7 ._-___8______. 9_____. 10_____
七、补全对话t 计10 分)
(一)请根据下列情景将对话正确排序,并将其序号填在题后相应的横线上。(6 分) A . Since this morning . B . OK .Thank you · C . I've had a bad headaehe . D . How long have you been like this ? E .What's the matter with you , Mr .Wang ? F . Nothing seriou , . Take the medicine and have enough rest , then you'll feel better .
1 . _ 2 . _ 3 , _ 4 . _ _ 5 . 6 .____
(二)从方框中挑选最恰当的选项完成下列对话,并将选项的代号填人方框后相对应的横线上,方框中有两个选项是多余的。(4 分) M : Excuse me , Sarah . May I ask you some question? W : No problem , Mike . M : l W : Not too much.There are always so many peoples in the shopand Idon’t like that . Butl often go to the bookshops, becauseI love reading · M : 2 W : Well, I think the best bookshop is Xinhua Bookshop,The books there are very new and not expensive M :3 W : Clothes . M : 4 W : When I go shopping for clothes,it takes a long time . I ' m never sure about the style or or size .I have to everything on , one by one . , It wastes a lot of time ·
A , How much does it cost ? B . Clothes?Why ? C . What things do you hated to shop for ? D . Do you like to go shoping? E .What do you think is the best bookshop in our city ? F . Do youw want anything else ?
1 ._________2 .___________3 .__________4 .______________
八、书面表达(共两篇,第一篇5 分.第二篇15分.共计20 分)
(一)中考结束后,你班将组织同学们去障日山(zhangri Hill)游请你根据以下内容写一份40词左右的通知。
1 ,出发时间:6 月29 日(星期三)早上7 : 00 ; 2 .集合地点:学校大门口; 3 .注重事项:骑自行车,带食品和饮料。 Boys and girls __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
要求:1 .从英语学习的爱好、听、说、读、写等方面入手
2 .短文中不能出现考生本人的真实信息;
How to learn English well
We all know Engh is becoming more and more impoportant .
But how can we learn Engish well ? I think_________________________________
2005 年潍坊市中等学校招生考试英语试题(A)参考答案及评分标准
第I 卷(选择题共70 分)
一、听力测试(20 分)每小题1 分 (一)1-5 CACBA (二)6-10 CBABC (三)11-15 BCACB (四)16-20 BACCB 二、单项选择(15分)每小题l 分 21-25 DCABC 26-30 ADCCB 31-35 BDABC 三、完形填空(15 分;每小题1 分) ( A ) 51-55 ACCDA ( B ) 56-60 DDBAC ( C ) 61-65 BCBCC ( D ) 66-70 CBBCA
第II卷【 非选择题共50分)
五、词汇考查【 10 分)每小题1 分 1 . ninth 2 .elder 3 . hardly 4 surprise 5 .polide/policemen 6 . believe、7 . lost 8 .frghtened 9 . during 10 .pride 六、动词应用(10 分)每小题1 分 1 .wouldd live 2 .were waiting 3 .running 4 . was thrown 5 . thought 6 .is 7 . has been 8 .to see 9 .face 10 .Love 七、补全对话(10 分)每空l 分 (一)1-6 ECDAFB (二)l-4 DECB 八、书面表达(20 分)(一)( 5 分) 参考范文(One possible version ) Boys and girs, Our class going to climb Zhangri Hill on Wendnesday,June 29 .We’ll meet at the school gate and start at 7:00 in the morning .Please take some food and and drinks with you. We’ll go there by bike.Welcome to join us! 评分标准: 1 .内容充实,格式正确,包含全部信息。且语法、拼写错误极少;( 4-5 ) 2 .要点全部写出,较通顺完整,有少量语法铸误;( 3-4 ) 3 .基本要点写出,有稍多语法、拼写错误;( 2-3 ) 4 .要点不全,篇福不足,不通顺,错误多,只写了个别句子或单词。(0-l ) (二)( 15 分) 参考范文(One possible version ) How to learn English well? We all know that English is becoming more and more important .But how can we learn English well?I think interest is our best teacher.If you find English interesting ,youu’ll improve your English quickly. Try to speak English in and out of class and listen to some English radio programs.Also we should read more English books besides our textbooks .To keep a diary in English is a good habit .Try to practice listening,speaking, reading and writing whenever possible and you will find ot easy and fun to learn English. 评分标准: l ,内容充实,包含全部信息。且语法、拼写借误极少;( 13-15) 2 .要点全部写出,较通顺完整,有少量语法、拼写错误;( 10-12 ) 3 ,基本要点写出,有稍多语法、拼写错误;( 7-9 ) 4 .要点不全,篇幅不足,不通顺,错误多;( 4-6 ) 5 .要点基本未写,只写了个别句或单词。(l-3 )
