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迈克尔1987年12月3日出生在纽约. 作为来自纽约市的他到五岁初就表演嘉宾出镜《七天》,《另一个世界》. 12岁左右的迈克尔接受更复杂的角色和挑战,"这段时间他还领衔演出电视剧《掩护我》,一个真实生活的基础上,显示了联邦调查局的家庭. .最引人注目的是迈克尔这一系列的表演,他向我们展示年轻时如何动态多样 .

现在他在已故少年迈克尔率先许多影片都自主性释放.在过去几年中已迈克尔原来一些不可思议的表演,从去年的事情之一,其中扮演一名年轻少女挣扎着从癌症并发症,使他和他的追求,最后如愿以偿. 他跟进一个复杂的角色独立电影欢迎机他扮演的年轻人越狱虐待自己踢成回家却发现少年司法制度然后精神科病房.



迈克尔也是最近刚刚结束拍摄的长片喜剧《意志和恩典》.迈克尔饰演杰克的儿子(扫海斯)Elliott女士、作为12岁男孩用了几年寻找自己真正爸爸. .无论在屏幕作为父亲/儿子过银幕组合、朋友、扫和迈克尔都投缘.外观找见附表当你看重播迈克尔在意志和风采.

尽管他的演艺事业忙碌,迈克尔保持着正常的生活. 最近他高中毕业,现他想看看高校.迈克尔喜欢体育与朋友跷课,到电影等青少年正常活动.迈克尔花费大量时间在洛杉矶,但他仍非常接近在纽约的大家族,他可以经常回. 

英文介绍:Michael was born and raised in the New York area. Originating as a New York City Ford Model, he moved to film and television at the early age of five where he guest starred on shows such as The Pretender, Seven Days, and Another World. Around the age of twelve Michael was receiving more complex roles and challenges, and is when Michael notes that he "really, truly started acting."  During this time he took a lead role in the television drama Cover Me, a show based on the true life of an FBI family. Most striking about this series was Michael's performances, showing us how dynamic and diverse he could be at a young age.

Now in his late teens, Michael has taken the lead in many films both independent and wide release.  In the past few years Michael has turned out some incredible performances, starting with One Last Thing, in which plays the role of a young teen struggling with complications from cancer, and his pursuit to make his last wish come true. He followed up with a complex role in the independent film Welcome to the Machine, where he plays a youth who escapes an abusive home only to find himself shuffled into the juvenile justice system and then a psychiatric ward.

Michael's upcoming films include Man in the Chair, centering around a 17-year-old kid who flirts with the law, underachieves at school, is at odds with his loving mother and his constantly indifferent and derisive stepfather.  Despite his flaws and problems, Michael's character dreams to be the "man in the chair," a cutting edge filmmaker, who is afforded a once in a lifetime opportunity.  In the true story of The Final Season, what's destined to be baseball's version of "Hoosiers," Michael plays a high school baseball player on a team who comes together to beat all the odds

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