-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 作者:【李颀】 年代:【唐】 体裁:【七古】
《琴歌》诗词全文 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 主人有酒欢今夕,请奏鸣琴广陵客。 月照城头乌半飞,霜凄万木风入衣。 铜炉华烛烛增辉,初弹渌水后楚妃。 一声已动物皆静,四座无言星欲稀。 清淮奉使千余里,敢告云山从此始。
诗词注释 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【注释】: 渌水、楚妃均系琴曲名。
【简析】: 这是一首听琴的歌,写了听琴时被音乐所陶醉的感受,并由此而动了归隐的念头,觉得要去赴任是一种精神上的负担。既入仕途,又向往在诗酒和音乐声中怡然自得,表明了旧时代文人大都有的矛盾心情。
【评析】: 此诗是诗人奉命出使清淮时,在友人饯别宴会上听琴后所作。诗以酒咏琴,以琴醉人;闻琴怀乡,期望归隐。首二句以饮酒陪起弹琴;三、四句写未弹时的夜景:月明星稀,乌鹊半飞,冷风吹衣,万木肃煞。五、六句写初弹情景;铜炉香绕,华烛齐辉,初弹《渌水》,后弹《楚妃》。七、八句写琴歌动人;一声拨出,万籁俱寂,星星隐去,四座无言。后两句写听琴声之后,忽起乡思:客去清淮,离家万里,归隐云山,此夜之思。 全诗写时,写景,写琴,写人,步步深入,环环入扣,章法整齐,层次分明。描摹琴声,重于反衬,使琴声越发高妙、更加动人。
Our host, providing abundant wine to make the night mellow, Asks his guest from Yangzhou to play for us on the lute. Toward the moon that whitens the city-wall, black crows are flying, Frost is on ten thousand trees, and the wind blows through our clothes; But a copper stove has added its light to that of flowery candles, And the lute plays The Green Water, and then The Queen of Chu. Once it has begun to play, there is no other sound: A spell is on the banquet, while the stars grow thin.... But three hundred miles from here, in Huai, official duties await him, And so it's farewell, and the road again, under cloudy mountains.
【韵译】: 今夜主人有酒,我们暂且欢乐; 敬请弹琴高手,把广陵曲轻弹。 城头月明星稀,乌鹊纷纷飞散; 严霜寒侵树木,冷风吹透外装。 铜炉薰燃檀香,华烛闪烁光辉; 先弹一曲渌水,然后再奏楚妃。 一声琴弦拨出,顿时万籁俱寂。 星星为之隐去,四座沉默陶醉。 奉命出使清淮,离家千里万里; 告归四川云山,是夜萌生此意。