一名优秀的护士用中英文口头或书面自我介绍互动的形式跟面试官做了经典的沟通,请看下面的护士面试时自我介绍: 问:你是什么时候毕业的,毕业于什么学校,什么专业? When did you graduate from school? Which school and which program? 答:我是1995年毕业的,毕业于南通卫生学校,护干专业。 I graduated from Nantong Medical School as a major of nursing care in 1995.
问:你已经工作了几年了?从哪一年开始? How many years have you been working? From which year?
答:五年了。从1995年开始 Five years .Since 1995
问:你将怎样花费你的薪水?你想在新加坡挣多少钱? How will you spend your salaries? How much money do you want to make In Singapore?
答:自己留一部分生活费用,其它寄回去,或存银行。 I will leave some for daily use , and post other money to my home, or save them in the bank
问:你所在的医院有多少护士,多少医生? How many nurses and doctors are there in your hospital?
答:有100名左右的护士,有80名医生,还有2名美国来的外籍专家。 About 100 nurses,80 doctors and 2 foreign experts. They are from
问:到新加坡后如不适应新环境, 新气候,怎么办? What will you do if you can not suit the new environment and new climate in Singapore?
答:我相信自己的能力。再大,再难的苦,我都会挺住,何况逆境会造就人才! I have confidence in my ability. I can overcome every difficulties. Also, I believe that adversities can improve me
问:你能自我介绍一下自己吗?还有关于你的一切。 Can you take an introduction to yourself, and tell me all about yourself?
答:可以的,我名叫张平,我来自江苏省启东市,卫校(中专)学历,25岁 Yes, my name is Zhang ping, I come from Qidong City, Jiangsu province, I graduated from a middle medical school. I am 25 years old.
问:你在什么单位工作?担任什么职务?请说明你的工作程序(流程)。 Where do you work now? and what’s your job position? Please tell me your work procedures.
答:我在启东市人民医院工作,担任护士职务。 I now work in Qidong people’s Hospital as a nurse.
问:你是通过什么知道新加坡的? In which way do you know Singapore?
答:通过看电视,读报纸,听收音机等。 I know Singapore through watching TV, reading newspapers, listening to radio and so on.
问:你在医院里轮班吗?你们小组里有几个人。 Do you work on shift in the hospital? How many persons are there in your group team?
答:是的,我是轮班的。我们小组有八个人。 Yes, I work on shift. There are eight persons in my group team.
问:你可以做12小时轮班吗?如果护士长故意刁难你,怎么办? Can you keep working twelve hours a day? And what will you do if the head nurse deliberately puts up obstacles for you?
答:是的,可以的。 Yes, I can.
问:如果病人或病人家属由于不理解你的工作,对你态度不好,你怎么办? If the patients or their relatives do not understand your works, and so are unkind to you , what will you, what will you do?
答:首先,我会检查一下我自己是否有不足之处。如果有,我会向他们道歉;如果没有,我会耐心地向他们作解释工作,直到他们满意为止。 First, I will check whether I have done something wrong or improperly. If I find I am right, I will give an explanation patiently till they are satisfied.
问:如果他们故意找你麻烦,闹事,怎么办? If they make trouble to you deliberately, what will you do?
答:首先,我不会跟他们吵,骂不还口,打不还手,而是耐心地解释。解释无效,我会向上级汇报。当然,我想新加坡是一个文明的国家,应该不会出现这种情况。 First, I will not quarrel with them, not scold back or strike back even if they scold wrongly.
问:你的爱好是什么? What are your hobbies?
答:看电视,读报纸。 Watching TV and reading newspapers.