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8年级英语下Unit 5 Topic 2 Section B练习


8年级英语下Unit 5 Topic 2 Section B练习

一 根据汉语提示完成写出单词

1 Everyone feels sad and sometimes , ____ ( 尤其) when living in a new place.

2 Give them your ____ (建议 ) .

3 Many people in their teens have such ____ ( 经历) .

4 It takes mea long time to ____ ( 变得) happy.

5 It is ____ ( 重要) to talk to someone.

二 根据句意及中文提示完成句子

1You’d better ____ ____ ____ ( 散步) and ____ ____ (放松自己 ) after you have supper.

2 I want to be a singer when I ____ ____ (长大) .

3 My grandma ______ ____ ____ (锻炼) in the morning.

4 ____ ____ ( 镇静) and take a deep breath . Don’t be so nervous.

5 Don’t be so sad and try to _____ ____ ____ ____ ( 使你的生活丰富多彩) .

6 They are in trouble. Could you ____ _____ ____ ____ ( 帮助他们) ?

7 He usually ___ _____ ____ (参加) activities when he was at school.

8 ____ ____ ___ (据说 ) that most teenagers like soccer in China.

9 It ____ ____ ( 花费我) 4 days to finish the work.

三 单项选择

1 Try to eat ___ food with high energy and take more exercise ,you’ll be fit.

A more B less C much

2 Everyone gets these feelings ____ your age.

A at B in C on

3 Lucy is very nice . I never feel ___ to stay with her.

A happy B bored C worried

4 I think it is the _____ way tokeep fit.

A best B better C good

5 She seems ____ me.

A likes B to like C like

四 阅读理解

Dick was seven years old, and Kate was two years younger than her brother. One day their mother took them to their aunt’s house and left them to play there while she went to the big city to buy some new clothes.

The children played in the garden for an hour , and then at half past four their aunt took Dick into the kitchen . She gave him a nice cake and said to him, “Now here’s a knife, Dick. Cut this cake in half and give one piece to your sister, but remember to do it like a gentleman.”

“Like a gentleman?” Dick asked,” How do gentlemen do it?”

“ They always give the bigger one to the other person.” Answered his aunt at once.

“Oh” , said Dick,. He thought about this for a few seconds. Then he took the cake to his sister and said to her,” Cut the cake in half, Kate.”


1 Kate was ___ years old.

A five B two C nine

2 She took her children to their aunt’s house at _____.

A one o’clock B about half past four C half past four

3 ___ was going shopping .

A Dick B Kate C The children’s mother

4 ____ wanted him to cut the cake in half.

A Dick’s mother B Dick’s sister C Dick’s aunt

5 Dick took the cake to Kate because ______.

A he was not angry B he was lazy C he wanted to get the bigger piece of the cake.

答案: 一1especially 2 suggestions 3 experience 4 become 5 important

二 1 take a walk , relax yourself 2 grow up 3 take some exercise 4 Calm down 5 make your life colorful 6 give them a hand 7 took part in 8 It is said 9 took me

三1 B 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 B

1 A 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 C


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