03 《亚洲周刊》选出的建国50位最重要的华人关于王菲的部分:
Faye Wong is often called the queen of Canto-pop. But that's not really an accurate description. While she's by far the most popular female singer in Hong Kong, the Beijing-born diva croons in Putonghua just as often as in Hong Kong's Cantonese dialect. And her appeal spreads far beyond Hong Kong. Wong's catchy love ballads ring out in even the remotest mainland provinces, as well as in Taiwan and Chinese communities throughout Southeast Asia. Often branded as icy and elusive, Wong, 30, has battled with the media ever since she shot to international fame in the mid-1990s. Her pregnancy, the birth of her daughter in Beijing, and her divorce from drummer Dou Wei were all covered extensively by the paparazzi. Though she initially tried to conceal the fact that she was pregnant, two Hong Kong newspapers went to court to fight for the exclusive use of a photo confirming that she was indeed with child. When Dou Jintong was born and quickly allowed into Hong Kong, gossip circulated that Wong was receiving favor ble treatment. After all, many mainland applicants have to wait years for entry. Wong's career has weathered it all. With 25 albums, more than 50 awards and several film and TV acting stints, her popularity shows no sign of waning. She is held up as an example for mainland artists aspiring to expand beyond their home markets. For through her music, Wong has been able to do what many politicians can't: bring together people in Hong Kong, Taiwan and China, no matter what their political bent.
04 王菲以广东话唱片总销量之最被编入吉尼斯记录:
Faye wong(hong kong)sold an estimated 9.7 million copies of her 20 albums by march 2000 and is one of the first women to dominate hong kong's recording industry. Her album lovers & strangers, released in september 1999,has sold over 800,000 copies so far and reached no.1 in hong kong,China,Taiwan,Singapore,and Malaysia. her first CD,Shirley wong(her then stage name)was released in 1989 and two more followed over the next 12 months. she has gone on to record over 15 more albums.
01 关于孤独:每个人在精神和灵魂上都是孤独的,所以说,人在本质上是孤独的。如果把本质的含义具体到内心,也可以说人的内心是孤独的。人即使能够做到表面上的基本沟通,也无法做到内心的完全沟通。孤独并不是随时随地都能感受得到的。而也只有在你感受到孤独的时候,才是最清醒的。孤独不代表凄凉,享受孤独其实是一件挺美好的事。
02 关于寄托:这个世界上没有什么东西是可以永远依靠的,除了你自己。如果生小孩是为了自己的未来,这个出发点本身就不会有未来的。因为一个人不能把自己的未来寄托在别人身上,包括男人、孩子、父母等等,那都是不可靠的。而且一旦你有了这种期待,就会对自己有压力,也会对那个人有压力。如果不如愿的话,双方都会产生怨恨。
03 关于情绪:我的不满都是些小的不满,大的方面我觉得我还真不应该再有什么不满的了。当然,如果碰到了一些很荒谬、很难以理解的事情,我还是会有情绪的,而且我会想好长时间“为什么会那样”。如果现场演出时,碰到了一些小状况,当然也会有情绪,会心情不好,但是这个我不会去想很长时间的。
04 关于阅读:在想不通的时候,我会选择书本,阅读会让我有所收获。
05 音乐创作:我做音乐的初衷就是为了表达。人总要有个出口去表达自己,而我的表达方式就是音乐。有灵感就写,没有也不勉强。
06 关于语言:我觉得语言其实是一个挺没用的工具。它只能作为一般交往上的沟通,如果再往深入,语言往往表达不清楚。一个艺术作品出来的效果有时会完全不同。所以除非人家问我这首歌你到底想表达什么,我一般都不愿意去解释我到底在写什么。每个人对于音乐的理解,本来就应该不一样
07 关于演唱:我是一个喜欢自然流露的人,并不太适合去夸张地表现事物。我在唱歌的时候不会去想太多的东西,也不会去想我要带给听歌的人什么,我就是想凭着自己的感觉去演唱。也许那些喜欢有强烈刺激的人,会觉得我这种方式没有那么浓烈,太淡了,接收不到,但每个人的听音乐的方式是不一样的。
08 关于张亚东:他做音乐其实是在玩科技。他喜欢研究各种仪器,然后把人的声音也变成各种各样的。他很喜欢玩,但如果玩得太过火了,我还是会提出抗议的。只要在我可以接受的范围之内,他都可以尽情地去玩。当拿到一个新作品的Demo时,他听要比我仔细得多,也会有很多想象空间,因为他要决定技术上的很多问题;而我听的就是听个大概齐,看看我是不是喜欢它的感觉、旋律,还有我能不能把握好这首歌。
09 关于演唱会:我觉得还是要分清主次,不要本末倒置。音乐是最主要的,不要把造型或舞台设计,当作最引人注目的东西,搞得过于花俏就行了。
10 面对媒体:我在慢慢地变得成熟起来。
11 面对绯闻,作为一个公众人物,如果你要站出来说话,你首先会想到我为什么要这么做,为什么要去解释?无非就是希望大家不要误会自己,那如果我连这个都不介意的话,那还有什么可说的呢?我不介意大家误会我,因为误会本身就一直存在。一个公众人物怎么可能让大家对她的了解是百分之一百的呢?
12 关于成长:需要经历,才会有收获。我人生的每一个阶段都会有不同的快乐和痛苦,它们全都交织在一起。所以没有完全的快乐,也没有完全的痛苦。如果让我来选择“最想回到以前的哪一段人生时光”的话,我情愿就这么继续下去。
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